Take my hand, jump on my magic carpet, and allow me to take you to a whole new world. (Yes, I did just use an Aladdin reference -- that was a great Disney movie!)
You arrive in unchartered waters, where a base of cities has been developing over time (kind of something like this). Naturally, you are probably wondering what is going on here; allow me to explain.
You are a candidate for a series of trials I am running. I have established different cities that are led by different leaders with different visions. These cities have only recently been implemented, so I can't tell you what the progress will look like. It is basically up to you to decide what kind of city you would like to join based on your interests and beliefs.
You can of course decide to not be a part of any of this. The choice is yours and yours alone. Once you make your decision you cannot come back and change your mind. Your decision is final.
Not only will you be able to choose what leadership most interests you, but also for how long you'd like to be a part of the trial. Moreover, so as not to isolate you from your friends and family, you are welcome to invite up to ten people to join you. You will be asked for their names and e-mail addresses (note: you do not have to enter any names if you so choose) and upon your decision to enter a new trial city, I will invite them to this whole new world as well. Of course, the people you invite will not know what trial you have entered; even if two people answered some questions the same does not necessarily mean they will be part of the same trial. However, I will do my best to ensure that the people that match you will be joining you. Ultimately, it is everyone's choice and everyone's choice alone of what world they would like to experience and for how long.
The leaders I have chosen go by the code names of Henry, Luke, Maya, and Beth. They are not anyone you may know -- I am certain -- but they have very similar characteristics and visions to people who have played a vital role in world development. These people, to whom the city leaders relate, are listed below along with links to corresponding TED talks I recommend. I have listed, for your convenience, the length of these talks so you can set aside the appropriate amount of time to get some background information prior to making your decision.
Feel free to do extra research; in fact, I encourage it. When you are ready to make your decision, please click here. I can of course give you some time; I understand it is a difficult decision to make. But I need your decision by Sunday, October 16, 2011, 5 PM PST.
Thank you so much for participating! I hope you have a pleasant weekend. Go Brewers! Go Packers! And Go Badgers! :)